| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (77), 2021 | | FINANCE AND CREDIT SYSTEM: BUDGET, CURRENCY AND CREDIT REGULATION OF ECONOMY, INVESTMENT RESOURCES | | Chirikhin S. N. Siberian Institute of Management, branch of the Russian Academy of the National Economy and State Service under the President of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk), PhD (Economics)
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| The article analyzes the reasons for the low investment attractiveness of the Russian economy, distinguishing, among others, rigid taxation and monetary credit politics, higher degree of changeability of the existing legal basis, excessive regulatory load upon the activity of commercial organization, low quality of the court system. The author suggests a number of measures aiming at lessening the impact of these factors in order to increase the investment attractiveness of the Russian economy within the frames of the state investment politics. | Key words: investment politics, investment climate, taxation politics, monetary credit politics | Pages: 109 - 114 |
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