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Pakhomova N. V.
Chair of Economic Theory, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Honored Scholar of the Russian Federation
Richter K. K.
Head of the Chair of Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Department of Economics,
St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Physics, Mathematics)

Avtonchuk G. A.
PhD student, Chair of Economic Theory, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University
Malyshkov G. B.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Economics, Accounting and Finances, National Mineral Resources University “Gornyi” (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics)

Transformation of the global ecologic risks in the economics of Russian enterprises and management of risks minimization (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article emphasizes the importance of modification of standardized approaches to evaluation and management of enterprises’ ecologic risks in the context of exacerbation of global ecological and climate-related problems and the high degree of indeterminacy related to their consequences. The authors apply the two-step model of risk assessment by R.G. Wagner, which at its first stage establishes a correlation between the subjectively perceived risk and the risk measured by scholarly methods on the basis of reliable data related to the ecological damage. The second stage of the model involves evaluation of the consequences incurred by the transformation of ecological risks into the economic risks of the enterprise, with regards to the existing national system of legal regulation, including the mechanism of ecological taxation. This approach is broadened with regards to global ecologic risks and to the introduction of a number of new tools of their international regulation. The research focuses on the risks of Russian enterprises caused by the introduction of the European Green Deal. The authors focus their attention on the transformation of international ecologic and climatic risks into the economic risks of Russian enterprises, methods of minimization of their consequences, as well as on turning risks into chances for increasing the ecological security and achieving sustainable competitiveness.
Key words: ecologic and climatic risks, economic risks and chances of enterprises, strategies of risk minimization, institutional framework
Pages: 159 - 166

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