| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (78), 2021 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Kadyrova O. V. Assistant professor, Chair of Management and Innovation, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics) Bespalova V. V. Assistant Professor, Chair of Economics, Management and Economic analysis, S.M. Kirov St. Petersburg State Forestry University, PhD (Economics) Dymova O. O. PhD student, Chair of Management and Innovation, St. Petersburg State University of Economics
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| The article offers a comparative analysis of the existing and prospective concept of strategic development of enterprises, which allows to work out a strategic approach to innovative activity based on a wholistic technological modification and production modernization. The authors define principles underlying production modernization, distinguish variants of developing the strategy of innovative development, and discuss principles of this strategy formation. The article describes the existing strategies of innovative development of enterprises, demonstrate their advantages and flaws, and outline a number of ways that allow enterprises evaluate and develop novelties that could raise the enterprises to the new level of their development. The article provides methodological recommendations with regards to formation of the stages in the process of developing the innovative activity of industrial enterprises. | Key words: concept of strategic development of enterprises, innovative development, Innovative activity, strategy of enterprise development, industrial enterprise | Pages: 74 - 77 |
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