| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (78), 2021 | | ISSUES OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION | | Yakovleva N. G. Assistant Professor, Leading research fellow, Center of Institutes for Socio-Economic Development, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD (Economics)
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| The article offers a political and economic perspective upon the problem of education, with the stress on research in production relations and productive forces in this sphere. The content and the forms of education are determined by the historically specific level of productive forces development, particularly, by the transition from manual labor to industrial technologies, and further on, to social production where creative labor plays a key role. Creative labor essentially constitutes the space for development for human qualities, which presupposes a certain content of education. Production relations within a historically specific system also determine both the content, and the socio-economic forms of education. The author demonstrates the latter with reference to the specific stage in the development of the capitalist socio-economic system, namely, late capitalism. One can distinguish two opposing tendencies at this stage: on the other hand, marketization, which develops to the point of education financing; on the other, development of the sprouts of socially oriented education model. The second tendency may be seen as a catalyst of the socio-economic progress, whereas the first one slows it down. | Key words: education, political economy, marketization of education, financing of education, socially oriented education model, creativity | Pages: 170 - 172 |
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