| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (79), 2021 | | EURASIAN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE: PROBLEMS AND DECISIONS | | Imamkulieva E. E. Senior lecturer, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), Junior research fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sinopal’nikov N. S. Analyst, Center of Project Design Development and Integration, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
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| The article focuses on the present-day state of trade-and-economy relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) and EEU member states in 2019–2020, with particular attention to the reasons for the growing interest to this integration project. The Temporary Agreement that leads to the creation of the free trade zone between IRI and EEU involves a number of challenges that participants have to face, for instance, the low volume of foreign investment. The authors evaluate the potential contained in the mechanisms of Islamic banking for the purposes of attracting investments from Muslim countries for the development of the integration project between IRI and EEU as a part of a larger regional project of the “North-South” international transportation corridor. | Key words: Iran, EEU, Eurasian integration, Islamic banking | Pages: 29 - 32 |
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