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Kharlamov A. V.
Chair of General Economic Theory and the History of Economic Thought, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics), Professor;

Global instability and development of the economic system (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article distinguishes and analyzes new factors that impact the current state and the choice of direction for the development of the economic system. Special attention is given to the glowing impact of global instability upon the current state and efficacy of primary economic subjects, as well as of the economic system more broadly. The logic of the present analysis is based on the in-depth theoretic concepts of the economic system in the context of globalization and the definition of the aim of its functioning. The importance of problems related to the latter stems from the necessity to discover the trajectory of effective economic development in the era of global instability.
Analysis of contemporary economic systems required engaging the globalization theory, with its multi-aspect coverage of all aspects of human activity, including the economic one. The connection of these two theoretical principles is seen as a logical foundation for the research of global instability, as well as processes related to the growing impact of non-economic factors upon economic development, which is particularly relevant today. Special attention is given to the most recent non-economic impacts such as COVID-19 pandemic, in relation to which the author gives forecasts for post-coronavirus economic development.
Key words: economic system, globalization, economic instability, development of the economic system, management, economic interests
Pages: 42 - 48

Статья выполнена в рамках инициативной НИР Санкт-Петербургского государственного экономического университета: «Формирование хозяйственных систем евразийского типа: динамика, противоречия, эффективность» (код 121042600253-4)

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