| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (80), 2021 | | ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION AND ISSUES OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY | | Kheifets B. A. Chief researcher, Institute of Economics (Russian Academy of Science), Department of Global Economics and International Business, Financial University under the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor Nadtochii Yu. B. Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Innovations, Financial University under the President of the Russian Federation, Chair of State and Municipal Administration, “Synergy” University (Moscow), PhD (Pedagogics)
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| Contemporary person has to meet a number of high requirements in the era of globalization. Formation of various competencies by professional officers of the international level becomes an unalienable part of the globalizing world. The article focuses on formation of competences in demand with regards to managerial personnel, analyzes the set of competencies of chief managers of the nearest future, which should be developed already nowadays. As a result, the authors compose a “portrait” of a chief manager of an international level that takes into account globalization and requirement of the new industrial revolution. | Key words: chief manager, competencies, skills, requirements presented to a chief manager, globalization, new industrial revolution | Pages: 61 - 65 |
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