| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (81), 2022 | | SOCIO-POLICAL PROBLEMS OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY | | Budko D. A. Assistant professor, Chair of Political Institutions and Applied Political Research, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Political Science) Volkova A. V. Chair of Political Management, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Political Science), Professor Kulakova T. A. Chair of Political Management, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Political Science), Professor;
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| The article continues a series of works dedicated to vigilantism (civil watchfulness) in the context of digitalization transformation politics, broadening of opportunities for civil participation and issues related to public opinion manipulation. Digital society exhibits a growing tendency to form resources that allow to control opinions, channel public activity (including the use of aggression by certain groups against others), and monetize it. Digital vigilantism functions as a non-formalized institutions of network civil society that regulates behavior and punishes for points of view and intentions unacceptable from the perspective of the vigilantes. This highly controversial form of civil organization is intensively studied in the world, whereas for Russian social sciences it is a new topic. The authors conducted their own analysis of YouTube video by the largest vigilante communities such as StopKham, Lev Protiv, Khrjushi Protiv, Antidealer. Through Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), the authors aimed to distinguish behavioral patterns and discursive practices of the YouTube vigilante communities, as well as major topics, distribution, frequency and combinability of various notions under discussion. | Key words: public politics, digital vigilantism, digital transformations, behavioral economics, nudging technologies, social networks | Pages: 83 - 87 |
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