| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (81), 2022 | | SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES | | Selishcheva T. A. Chair of Economic Theory and the History of Economic Thought, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor Selishchev A. S. PhD (Economics), Professor (St. Petersburg)
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| The article conducts a comparative analysis of the two types of economic models in EEU countries: the coordinated market economy (Belarus’, Kazakhstan) and liberal market economy (Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia), and the problems of their interaction. | Key words: liberal market economy model, coordinated market economy model, Eurasian Economic Union, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Armenia, Belarus’, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan | Pages: 152 - 158 |
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