| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (82), 2022 | | ISSUES OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION | | Pashkus N. A. Chair of Branch Economics and Finances, A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics), Professor Pashkus V. Yu. Chair of Economic Theory and Economic Politics, St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics), Professor
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| Education is one of the spheres that recently underwent serious changes and in its own turn produced a strong impact upon social institutions. An abrupt transition to digital education and a number of technical, informational and personnel-related problems led to considerable complications of educational and other processes (such as scholarly, innovative, entrepreneurial ones, etc.). The aim of the article is to distinguish factors of competitiveness in the context of COVID-19 pandemic and forced digitalization with regard to universities as organization the least protected by the state support. The article uses mechanisms of competitiveness assessment developed on the basis of a modified McKinsey matrix and matrix algorithms of vector priority assessment. | Key words: higher education, universities, competitiveness matrix, COVID-19 | Pages: 192 - 195 |
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