| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (83), 2022 | | ISSUES OF ECONOMIC THEORY. MACROECONOMICS | | Karpova S. V. Deputy Chair of Experimental Laboratory of Neurotechnology in Management, Chair of Logistics and Marketing, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor
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| The article focuses on the issues of systemic support for the programs aiming at increasing the quality of life of the population, particularly, through the implementation of the Healthy Way of Life principles in the present-day context. State and corporate structures developing complex programs to implement the principles of Healthy Way of Life should foresee the observance of these principles in everyday life. The author presents a list of measures for the development of state and corporate programs of systemic support in the sphere of increasing the quality of life, which allows for the interaction between the state and business structures. | Key words: state and corporate programs, quality of life of the population, Healthy Way of Life principles, health, life expectancy | Pages: 73 - 76 |
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