| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (83), 2022 | | ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION AND ISSUES OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY | | Gamidullaev S. N. Vice Rector and Director, V.B. Bobkov Russian Customs Academy (St. Petersburg branch), PhD (Economics), Professor Udovenko S. P. Chair of Customs Revenues and Tarif Regulation, V.B. Bobkov Russian Customs Academy (St. Petersburg branch), PhD (Economics), Professor
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| The article focuses on the setting the tasks of developing high-technology industries in the Russian economy, including machine-building, in the strategies of the national economic security of the Russian Federation adopted between 1996 and 2021. The authors characterize the significance of machine-building industry for the development of the national economy, describe its real condition, and ask, how particular branch strategies take into account the principles of the strategic planning documents concerning machine-building development and the choice of effective strategies of its implementation. The article analyzes the efficacy of measures and tools of the economic politics in machine-building, and describes the authors’ suggestions for their correction. | Key words: documents of strategic planning, strategies of Russia’s national and economic security, economic security, threats to economic security, machine-building, branch strategies, economic politics | Pages: 97 - 100 |
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