| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (84), 2022 | | ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS AND BRANCH COMPLEXES | | Gracheva K. A. PhD student, Chair of Administration and Planning of socio-economic processes, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University
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| The article shows the impact of crisis upon the digital transformation processes in the world at large and in Russian in particular and describes the current state of the automobile industry with its characteristic modern digitalization tendencies. The author emphasizes the lack of a unified approach to digital transformation of enterprises in this sphere and distinguishes the possible reasons for the problem. Results of the research define direction of further theoretical research in the sphere of digitalization, contribute to the development of anti-crisis management, and can be used by any enterprise of the Russian automobile industry aiming at increasing their sustainability in the adverse external environment. | Key words: digital economy, digital transformation, digitalization, anti-crisis tool kit, automobile industry | Pages: 120 - 124 |
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