| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (85), 2023 | | FINANCE AND CREDIT SYSTEM: BUDGET, CURRENCY AND CREDIT REGULATION OF ECONOMY, INVESTMENT RESOURCES | | Sintsova E. A. Chair of International Finances and Bookkeeping Accounting St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics; Assistant Professor, Chair of Management and Innovations, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics)
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| The article presents a review of the most widely recognized definitions of financial monitoring. In most conceptions the defining features of financial monitoring bear an empirical character, and therefore are not presented in a systemic way. The author discusses and emphasizes the categorial systemic methodology with the use of methods of traditional logic and the theory of dynamic information systems. The article offers a short definition of “financial monitoring in the context of digitalization” as an object of socio-economic system of an industrial enterprise. | Key words: financial monitoring, industrial enterprise, traditional logic, triad deciphering, financial control | Pages: 73 - 77 |
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