| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (85), 2023 | | PROBLEMS OF MARKETING. LOGISTICS | | Kang Hao PhD student, Chair of Logistics and Management of Purchase Chains, St. Petersburg State University of Economics
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| The article evaluates the condition of the logistic infrastructure of the transborder electronic commerce in the in the countries situated along the route of the Chinese project “One Belt — One Way.” Methodology used is based upon cluster and correlation analysis, and distinguishes significant factors in formation of the logistic infrastructure of the electronic commerce in each cluster. The author composes profiles of the transborder logistic infrastructure of the electronic commerce in the countries situated along the route of the Chinese project “One Belt — One Way” based on the results of clusterization and the evaluation of correlations with the use of seven indices: density of the automobile network, investment potential of the infrastructure, customs efficacy, logistic competitiveness, tracking, timeliness, index of transportation infrastructure. | Key words: logistic infrastructure, transborder electronic commerce, mega-project “One Belt — One Way” | Pages: 93 - 95 |
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