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Voloshinova M. V.
Assistant professor, Chair of economics and management in the sphere of services, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics)
Kuchumov A. V.
Assistant professor, Chair of economics and management in the sphere of services, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics)
Pecheritsa E. V.
Assistant professor, Chair of economics and management in the sphere of services, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics)

Positioning of social innovations in the sphere of services: conceptual aspects (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article focuses on the positioning of social innovations in the sphere of services from the perspective of the managerial practice inside and in between the subjects of service in the sphere of tourism. The aims of the research are: a) to provide a conceptual review of social innovations in the context of social entrepreneurship, b) to connect the theoretical concept with the existing scholarly literature on the sphere of services, and c) to give an impulse not only to theoretical thinking, but alto to the implementation of social innovations in service-type organizations. The authors conclude that social innovations, as compared to the technological ones, should be more sustainable and effective, and that the value they create should serve local communities rather than tourists.
Key words: tourism, social innovations, technological innovations, management, stake-holders, sphere of services
Pages: 128 - 131

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