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Zaedinov A. V.
PhD student, Department of Economics, Engineer-researcher, Department of Biology, St. Petersburg State University

Modernization of the business-model of climate projects in the context of formation of the Russian sequestration industry (Russia, St. Petersburg)
One of the topical tasks of the XXI c. is minimization of the harmful anthropogenic impact upon environment to preclude catastrophic consequences of climate change. The system of norms, requirements and standards is formed to stimulate and even force the states and the companies to take a pro-active position with regard to de-carbonization and transition to more ecological technologies and processes. Sequestration industry, combining the projects of technological, geological and biological trapping, as well as binding, burial and useful utilization of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, possesses a considerable potential for the solution of this task. The author analyzes the traditional approach of the Russian business to the implementation of climate projects and offers a modernized business-model that allows not only to increase the efficacy of such projects, but to facilitate formation and development of effective carbon market in Russia. In its own turn, this can increase competitiveness of Russian companies on the international markets and give Russia competitive advantages due to a fuller unlocking of its sequestration potential.
Key words: climate risks, sequestration industry, decarbonization, carbon trace, business-models
Pages: 202 - 206

Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта СПбГУ, Pure ID 101662710 (GZ_MDF_2023-1)

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