| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (87), 2023 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Chaplina A. N. Head of the Chair of Commodity Research and Expertise of Non-alimentary Goods, Institute of Trade and Services, Siberian Federal University PhD (Economics), Professor Gerasimova E. A. Assistant Professor, Chair of Commodity Research and Expertise of Non-alimentary Goods, Institute of Trade and Economics, Siberian Federal University, PhD (Economics)
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| The article focuses on the topical issues related to management of reputational risks of holding companies, identification of these risks and methods of their evaluation. The authors stress the importance of creating an integrated system of risk-management for strategic management and offer recommendations aiming at decreasing the reputational harm in the context of crisis. | Key words: of reputational risks, holding, risk-culture, system of risk management, business reputation, stake-holders | Pages: 121 - 125 |
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