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Minakov V. F.
Chair of Information Technologies, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Technology)
Dudko O. Yu.
Assistant professor, Chair of Information Technologies, St. Petersburg State University of Economics
Shepeliov P. Yu.
PhD student, Chair of Information Technologies, St. Petersburg State University of Economics

Digital transformation of managerial decision-making on the basis of artificial intelligence (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article analyzes the spread of artificial intelligence (AI) in economy, examines the prospects, problems and the risks related to its application. The authors discuss the possibilities and the impact of artificial intelligence upon the managerial decision-making, distinguish directions of evolution of AI technologies that improve the quality in the process of decision making in the following areas: big data analytics, digitalization of managers’ functions and routine tasks, solving complex management problems with the use of algorithms and machine learning, risk assessment and accounting for new opportunities, improving communications, training and adaptation to changes. The article distinguishes the most effective ways of implementing AI technologies in enterprise performance management based on the convergence of cognitive functions of managers and digital systems, on the one hand, and technologies, on the other. Problematic situations and approaches to their resolution in the process of cognitive activity of management using artificial technologies are discussed.
Key words: digital transformations, cognitive technologies, artificial intelligence systems, management efficiency
Pages: 50 - 54

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