| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (88), 2023 | | ISSUES OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION | | Medynskaya I. V. Chair of International Economics and International Economic Relations, St. Petersburg State University of Economics PhD (Economics), Professor
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| The article analyzes some features associated with the use of creative marketing in the field of educational services and the evolution of the digital economy in the CIS countries, defining new challenges for economic growth. Creative resource of higher educational organizations and scholarly research institutions acquires here particular importance. The author notes that marketing is an integral tool that drives the innovative development of the economy and discusses the nature and specifics of creative marketing tools used to make significant brand changes, develop the target segment and position innovative educational services in the CIS countries. The study also defines the major ways of implementing of creative marketing and its resources in the context of digital transformation in the field of educational service. Particular stress is put on the necessity of their development in the CIS countries. | Key words: creative marketing, digital economy, CIS countries, technological innovations, educational services, economic growth, digital transformation, information and communication technologies | Pages: 178 - 182 |
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