| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (90), 2024 | | ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION AND ISSUES OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY | | Bogomazov G. G. Chair of History of Economics and Economic Thought, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honorary Professor of the University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
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| The article focuses on the problems of globalization in the modern world and examines such issues as the definition of the very concept of «globalization» as a process of internationalization of economic relations, factors contributing to and hindering its development, as well as the socio-economic consequences of its implementation. The analysis is based on methodological concepts such as “global and local historical development” and “cultural-historical types.” | Key words: globalization, internationalization of economic relations, local historical development, cultural and historical types | Pages: 14 - 19 |
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