| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (91), 2024 | | PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION AND TRANSITION TO INNOVATIVE ECONOMY | | Gasanov G. S. Head of the Chair of Management, National Aviation Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Baku) PhD (Economics), Professor Mamedova I. I. Assistant Professor, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Baku) PhD (Economics) Rastov M. A. Junior research fellow, Laboratory of complex research of the spatial regional development, Institute for Problems of Regional Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics)
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| The article examines the impact of artificial intelligence upon social development, explores how artificial intelligence changes the lives of states, companies and people, economic and social processes, human relations and behavior. The author demonstrates the algorithm of neural networks responding to the formation of supply and demand in the market and the vector of artificial intelligence in strengthening corporate power in society. The article discusses the strengthening role of mega-associations, their pyramidal and horizontal structure, offers a scheme of interaction of companies through cross-ownership of shares, and shows the role of neural networks and quantum computing in the formation of a state on a corporate basis and the expansion of human and cultural ties. Special attention is given to the current trends in the field of artificial intelligence, its key roles in the fields of economics and social interactions. | Key words: artificial intelligence, neural network, mega-holding, globalization, corporate power, state, market, network organization, pyramid structure | Pages: 50 - 53 |
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