| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (91), 2024 | | SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES | | Zavgorodnii A. F. Chair of International Economic Relations, Russian Customs Academy (St. Petersburg branch), PhD (History), Professor, Honored Scholar of the Russian Federation
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| The article focuses on the specific features in the Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation; distinguishes the dynamics of China’s GDP in 2014–2022, and discusses the basic principles and directions of development of bilateral relations at the current stage of cooperation. The author analyzes measures aimed at deepening and strengthening trade relations between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, presents the dynamics of trade turnover between Russia and China in the period 2014–2022, and describes the structure of Russian-Chinese exports and imports in the first half of 2022. | Key words: globalization, integration, Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation, export, import, import substitution, foreign trade, foreign trade relations, trade and economic relations, bilateral relations between Russia and China, China | Pages: 141 - 143 |
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