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Pashkus V Yu

Chair of Economic Theory and Economic Politics, St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics), Professor

E-mail: v.pashkus@spbu.ru

Article list of the author [27]
N 25Ермаков Ю. В., Pashkus V. Yu. - Человеческий капитал и ключевые компетенции ВУЗа
N 30Pashkus V. Yu., Timokhina E. A. - Significance of the budget stability for financing of the socio-cultural sphere in Russia
N 33Pashkus V. Yu., Petrova M. A. - Contemporary approaches to modeling of decision making in the context of the New economy (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 35Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu. - Value dimensions in the Russian system of population professional priorities under the influence of introduction of the instrument of educational crediting (Russia, St.Petersburg)
N 57Krasnikova T. S., Pashkus V. Yu., Pashkus N. A. - Agro-tourism as a strategy of break-through positioning on the Russian tourist market (Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg)
N 62Lybaneva M. V., Blagikh Ivan A., Pashkus V. Yu. - Analysis of expectations and directions of cooperation of educational institutions with the business community in strategic partnership (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 68Pashkus V. Yu., Pashkus N. A., Baltykov B. O. - Approaches to measuring the organizational culture according to G. Hofstede’s model: principles, parameters, criticism(Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 69Belov A. V., Pashkus V. Yu., Aliaskarova Zh. A. - State politics in the sphere of education: Experience of Japan as an example for Russia (Russia, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Japan, Fukui)
N 70Pashkus V. Yu., Pashkus N. A., Shvets P. V. - Break-through positioning of medical institutions on the market of medical services in St. Petersburg (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 72Pashkus V. Yu., Kulakova T. A., Pashkus N. A., Zjuzina L. A. - Implementation of Russia’s regional industrial politics in the context of import substitution (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 73Kulakova T. A., Pashkus V. Yu., Volkova A. V. - Networks against hierarchies, or new hierarchies? Opportunities and limitations of the network approach in public political administration (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 74Aliaskarova Zh. A., Asadulaev A. B., Pashkus V. Yu. - Industrial politics: conceptualization and modernization in the context of crisis (Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg)
N 74Pashkus V. Yu., Pashkus N. A., Baltykov B. O. - The concept of cross-cultural differences of G. Hofstede and its application in marketing communications (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 75Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu., Alpatov G. E., Asadulaev A. B. - The role of further education in the development of contemporary art market (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 76Aliaskarova Zh. A., Asadulaev A. B., Pashkus V. Yu. - Forecasting the dynamics of investment into the fixed capital and gross added value on the basis of VAR and VECM models (Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg)
N 76Pashkus V. Yu., Pashkus N. A., Shvets P. V. - Competitiveness of St. Petersburg medical organization in the context of coronavirus pandemic (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 77Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu., Asadulaev A. B., Ivanova V. P. - Global competitiveness of territories in post-Covid era (case of the tourist industry in St. Petersburg) (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 81Pashkus V. Yu., Pashkus N. A., Shvets P. V. - Competitiveness of the regional health care institutions during the era of COVID-19 (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 82Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu. - COVID-19, forced digitalization and competitiveness of higher educational institutions (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 83Pashkus V. Yu., Pashkus N. A., Volkova A. V., Asadulaev A. B. - Competitiveness of the region on the tourist market: risks and opportunities (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 84Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu., Mal’tseva Yu. M., Kulikova D. A. - Cultural identity in the cities: conceptual approaches, brands and the global competitiveness (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 85Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu., Kulikova D. A. - Promotion of the territory brand: capacity of the brand and cultural activities (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 88Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu., Loeva Yu. V. - Risks in the field of education: Classification and impact on market entities (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 89Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu., Zinchenko M. V. - Effective positioning and development of Russian regions in accordance with the concept of the “smart city” (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 89Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu., Savkhalov V. K. - Breakthrough positioning in the system of supplementary education (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 90Pashkus V. Yu., Blagikh Ivan A. - The use of medical metaphors and analogies as evidence and examples in behavioral economics (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 90Pashkus N. A., Pashkus V. Yu., Laptenko V. Yu., Shcheglov M. Yu. - Application of a breakthrough positioning strategy to increase the competitiveness of products of the regional pharmaceutical clusters (Russia, St. Petersburg)
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