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Makarov V V

Department of Data Economics, M.A. Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, PhD (Economics), Professor

E-mail: akad.makarov@mail.ru

Article list of the author [13]
N 54Makarov V. V., Shuval-Sergeeva N. S. - State regulation of innovational activity: case of implementation of secondary processual innovations at an industrial enterprise (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 57Makarov V. V., Ivanova N. O. - Classification of informational communication enterprises on the basis of their innovation potential (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 62Makarov V. V., Mokhov A. S. - Creation of the “smart city” system as an example of a qualitatively new technologic opportunities and increase of competitiveness (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 62Makarov V. V., Protasov S. N., Starodubov D. O. - Implementation of the aggregate control methods for objective evaluation of the quality of mobile connection services (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 71Makarov V. V., Starodubov D. O., Dutlova E. V. - The use of conceptual modelling to improve the quality of management processes in supply chains for the services of information and communication technologies (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 73Makarov V. V., Starkova T. N., Ustrikov N. K. - Innovative approach to quality management of information and communication services with regards to the life cycle and clients’ opinion (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 74Makarov V. V., Slutsky M. G., Starodubov D. O. - The role of the regulating organ in managing the projects with the program “Digital Economy” with the use of Project Management Body of Knowledge model (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 77Makarov V. V., Slutsky M. G., Starodubov D. O. - Improving mechanisms of network interaction among partners implementing innovative info-communication projects (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 78Makarov V. V., Slutsky M. G., Aleksandrov M. A. - Digital transformation of economy and technological innovations at the enterprise (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 83Slutsky M. G., Makarov V. V., Aleksandrov M. A. - Telecom operators and the digital transformation of oil industry (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 86Makarov V. V., Volchik O. V. - To the issue of developing the informational structure of smart-standards (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 87Makarov V. V., Sinitsa S. A., Starodubov D. O. - Innovative ecosystems as a promising mechanism of cooperation and formation of radical innovation in the high-technology sector (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 92Makarov V. V., Slutsky M. G. - Motivation of highly qualified personnel in IT companies (Russia, St. Petersburg)
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