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Gazizullin Nail F

Professor, Chair of Marketing, St. Petersburg State University of Economy and Finances, PhD (Economics), Professor

E-mail: gazizullin@mail.ru

Article list of the author [128]
N 1Gazizullin Nail F. - К выходу первого номера Евразийского межрегионального научно-аналитического журнала "Проблемы современной экономики"
N 2Gazizullin Nail F. - Михеев В.Н. Экономико-правовые основы хозяйствования. - СПб: Изд-во СПб. гос. ун-та. 2002. - 184 с.
N 3Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 5Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 6Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 6Gazizullin Nail F. - Егоров Е.Г., Бекетов Н.В. Научно-инновационная система региона: структура, функции, перспективы развития. - М.: Academia, 2002. -224 с.
N 7Gazizullin Nail F. - Рисованный И.М Экономическая наука и институциональные преобразования в России XIX-ХХ вв. Логика идей и логика реформ. - СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2003. - 307 с.
N 9Gazizullin Nail F. - Бобоев М.Р., Мамбеталиев Н.Т., Тютюрюков Н.Н. Налоги и налогообложение в СНГ: Учебное пособие /Под ред. А.П.Починка, Л.П.Павловой. - М.: Финансы и сиатистика, 2004. - 424 с.
N 9Gazizullin Nail F. - Исламские финансы в современном мире: экономические и правовые аспекты/ под ред. Р.И. Беккина. - М.: Ummah, 2004. - 283 c.
N 11Gazizullin Nail F. - Слово главного редактора
N 11Марышев А. Н., Gazizullin Nail F., Черкасов Н. А. - ЕврАзЭС В ГЛОБАЛИЗУЮЩЕЙСЯ ЭКОНОМИКЕ (проблемы и перспективы)
N 19Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 21Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 21Gazizullin Nail F. - О новом взгляде на классическую проблему экономической науки
N 21Gazizullin Nail F. - Соколов Б.И. Экономика: учеб. пособие. М.: Экономистъ, 2006. - 560 с.
N 22Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 23Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 24Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 24Gazizullin Nail F. - Горенбургов М.А., Медведев А.Л. Бизнес-планирование в гостиничном и ресторанном бизнесе: Учебное пособие. – СПб.: Д.А.Р.К., 2007. – 200 с.
N 25Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 25Vedin N. V., Gazizullin Nail F. - Неконкурентные основания хозяйственной жизни общества
N 25Gazizullin Nail F., Kiselev A. S. - Рецензия на книгу Метелева А.Е., Метелева С.Е. «Теоретические основы нанотехнологической биокибернетики»
N 26Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 26Gazizullin Nail F. - Рецензия на книгу «Очерки истории финансовой науки: Санкт-Петербургский университет»
N 27Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 27Gazizullin Nail F. - Рецензия на книгу М.Е. Гулиева «Стратегия инвестиционного сотрудничества нефтедобывающих стран СНГ в условиях экономической глобализации», Санкт-Петербург, 2008
N 28Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 28Maksimtsev I. A., Bagiev G. L., Gazizullin Nail F. - Power engineering of the XXI c.: economics, politics, ecology
N 28Gazizullin Nail F., Zhuk V. A., Lozhko V. V. - Review of the book by V.I. Yakunin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulashkin «Ideology of Economic Politics : the Problem of the Russian Choice»
N 28Gazizullin Nail F., Zhuk V. A., Lozhko V. V. - Review of the book by V.I. Yakunin «Civilization-oriented Foundations of Economic Decisions»
N 29Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 30Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 31Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 32Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 33Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 34Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 34Gazizullin Nail F. - Review of the textbook by S .N. Maksimov «Economics of Real Estate» Moscow, 2010 (Russia, St.Petersburg)
N 34Gazizullin Nail F., Nurullina A. Kh. - Competitiveness of economy: complex apppproach (Russia, St.Petersburg, K azan’)
N 35Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 36Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 36Gazizulin F. G., Gazizullin Nail F. - Structure-constituting elements in formation of the contemporary economic thinking (Russia, Kazan’, St. Petersburg)
N 37Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 37Gazizullin Nail F., Bazulin Yu. V. - Scientific school of the Chair of Credit and Financial Management, St. Petersburg State University (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 38Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 38Gazizullin Nail F., Grunin O. A., Tsareva S. O. - Developing of space and modernization of economics (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 39Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 40Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 41Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 41Vedin N. V., Gazizullin Nail F., Gazizulin F. G. - Social capital and society’s economic development: interactive approach (Russia, Kazan’, St. Petersburg)
N 41Gazizullin Nail F. - Diagnostics, modeling, and forecasting of the economic growth and cycle in the strategy of innovative development
N 42Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 42Vedin N. V., Gazizullin Nail F. - To the study of heterogeneity of economic systems: post-classical vector in development of political economy (Russia, Kazan’, St. Petersburg)
N 42Gazizullin Nail F. - On the role of summarizing research in the history of the Russian economic thought. Review of the text book: G.G. Bogomazov, I.A. Blagikh. The History of Economic and Economic Thought in Russia. G.G. Bogomazov, editor general. Moscow, “Econom
N 43Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 43Gazizulin F. G., Gazizullin Nail F., Gazizullin T. N. - Innovative thinking as an indispensable condition of modernization of the contemporary Russian economy (Russia, Kazan’, St. Petersburg)
N 44Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 45Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 45Gazizullin Nail F. - Economy for the person. Moscow economic forum report (March 20–22, 2013)
N 46Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 46Gazizulin F. G., Gazizullin Nail F. - Innovative and institutional breakthroughs and dominants in Russian economic development in the context of the new industrialization (Russia, Kazan’, St. Petersburg)
N 47Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 48Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 48Monakhov O. N., Gazizullin Nail F. - The impact of branding upon the sustainability of commercial companies (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 49Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor-in-chief column
N 50Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 50Gazizullin Nail F., Garipova F. G. - The problem of Crimean integration into Russian economic space in the context of its modernization (Russia, St. Petersburg, Kazan’)
N 50Gazizullin Nail F. - From the history of doctrines to the history of ideas. Review of the textbook History of Economic Teachings: a Textbook for Academic Baccalaureate. I.A. Blagikh, A.N. Dubiansky, ed. by A.N. Dubiansky. Moscow, 2014. (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 50Lozhko V. V., Gazizullin Nail F. - Non-raw material development of economy as Russian strategic vector (conceptual interpretation of the Moscow Economic Forum, 2012-2014)(Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 51Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 51Bliakhman L. S., Gazizullin Nail F. - Theoretical foundation of the transition to socio-innovative systematic economy (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 51Glazkova I. N., Gazizullin Nail F. - Principles of formation of the risk-management system and the outlines of the model of management of entrepreneurial risks (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 52Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 52Bliakhman L. S., Gazizullin Nail F. - Theoretical basis (foundation) of the transition to a socially-innovative planned economy (part 2) (Russia, Saint-Petersburg)
N 53Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 54Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 55Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 55Vedin N. V., Gazizullin Nail F. - Some approaches to the formation of the problem field of the Eurasian political economy (Russia, Kazan’, St. Petersburg)
N 56Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 56Vedin N. V., Gazizullin Nail F. - Dialectics of the concrete social labor: classic and contemporary approaches (Russia, Kazan’, St. Petersburg)
N 56Miropol'lsky D. Yu., Gazizullin Nail F. - Eurasian political economy and concrete economic sciences: marketing of interaction (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 57Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 57Vedin N. V., Gazizullin Nail F. - Interactive economic genoform of the local civilization: politico-economic aspect of the analysis (Russia, Kazan’, St. Petersburg)
N 58Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 58Gazizullin Nail F. - New accents in the characteristics of the primary link of the economic system: Review of the textbook by M.M. Khaikin “Economy of a Household” (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 59Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 59Maksimtsev I. A., Bagiev G. L., Gazizullin Nail F. - Marketing maneuvering in the system of regulation and effective economic development in the Eurasian Economic Community (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 59Gazizullin Nail F. - Economic security as the basis of anti-crisis strategy and sustainable growth of the Russian economy. Review of the book by M.I. Krotov and V.I. Muntijan “Russian Economic Security: A Systemic Approach.” St. Petersburg: ROST, 2016. 336 p. (Russia,
N 60Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 60Minko I. S., Gazizullin Nail F., Vorobjev V. P. - Fundamental perspective of the economic portrait of the contemporary world: review of the selected works of L.S. Bliakhman “Global, Regional and National Tendencies of the Development of Russia’s Economy in the XXI c.” (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 62Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 62Blagikh Ivan A., Gazizullin Nail F., Yakovleva N. G., Titov V. O. - Industrial Society in the XXI Century: Russian Economists Review “The Mainstream” (III St. Petersburg International Economic Congress, 2017) (Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg)
N 63Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 63Vedin N. V., Gazizullin Nail F., Gazizulin F. G. - Economy as a subject and philosophical and economic discourse (Eurasian context) (Russia, St. Petersburg, Kazan’)
N 64Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 64Gazizullin Nail F., Gazizulin F. G., Vedin N. V. - Ontological, gnosiological and axiological contours of Eurasian political economy (Russia, St. Petersburg, Kazan’)
N 66Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 66Bagiev G. L., Gazizullin Nail F. - Organization of management over price politics in the present-day entrepreneurial and commercial structures (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 66Blagikh Ivan A., Gazizullin Nail F., Titov V. O. - New industrial society: the future neo-industrial image of Russia (IV St. Petersburg International Economic Congress, April 2, 2018) (Russia, St. Petersburg) 285
N 67Gazizullin Nail F. - Chief editor's column
N 67Vedin N. V., Gazizullin Nail F. - Outlines of the new system of appropriation: K. Marx’ ideas and contemporaneity (Russia, Kazan’, St. Petersburg)
N 67Gazizullin Nail F. - Review of the book “Marxist Economic Theory in the History of Russian Capitalization”. Simferopol’, 2018.
N 68Gazizullin Nail F., Blagikh Ivan A. - Systemic approach to the development of Eurasian integration. Review of the book Contradictions and Challenges of Eurasian Integration: Ways of Overcoming, ed. by L.E. Slutsky. Moscow: Infra-M, 2018 (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 69Rumiantsev M. A., Gazizullin Nail F. - Review of the book by V.T. Riazonov “Contemporary Political Economy: Perspectives of Neo-Marxist Synthesis” (St. Petersburg, Aleteija, 2018) (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 72Bezdudnaya A. G., Vedin N. V., Gazizullin Nail F., Khasanova A. Sh. - Fundamental research on the economic reforms in EEU countries. On the book Transition to Market Economy and Structural Reforms in the Countries of the Eurasian Economy Union. Ed. by I.V. Pilipenko. St. Petersburg: Naukoevkie tekhonogii, 2019.
N 72Korshunova O. N., Puliaev V. T., Gazizullin Nail F. - Torch of peacemaking: UN and the challenges of modernity (on the book of E. R. Tagirov “Challenges of ‘Time-Kairos’: UN Mission” (Kazan, 2019) (Russia, Kazan, St. Petersburg)
N 73Blagikh Ivan A., Gazizulin F. G., Gazizullin Nail F. - Universal historical significance of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) (Russia, St. Petersburg, Kazan)
N 73Bezdudnaya A. G., Gazizullin Nail F. - Review of the textbook by N.V. Vedin and G.R. Bagmanova Foreign Investment (Kazan’, 2019) (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 74Khaikin M. M., Blagikh Ivan A., Rudnik S. N., Gazizullin Nail F. - Economic foundations of the Great Victory of the USSR in the Second World War (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 75Bagiev G. L., Gazizullin Nail F. - Foresight technologies and innovations marketing. Review of the textbook: I.A. Krasjuk, S.M. Krymov, G.G. Ivanov, M.V. Kolgan. “Innovative Marketing” Moscow: Dashkov and К°, 2020
N 75Gazizullin Nail F., Zolotov A. V. - Creative labor as the main condition for successful economic development. Review of the book: S.Yu. Tsjokhla, N.A. Simchenko, A.T. Poteev. “Labor Feats in Crimean Economic Development.” Simferopol: “Arial,” 2020
N 77Gazizullin Nail F., Blagikh Ivan A. - Prospective planning as the basis of economic modernization (to 100 years of GOELRO plan and Gosplan of the USSR) (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 78Gazizullin Nail F. - Gamification as the embodiment of ideas of behavioral economics in gaming mechanics. Review of the book by I.A. Blagikh Gamification of Socio-Economic Processes: Gamified Platforms and Analysis of Efficacy. Moscow: RUSains, 2021. 238 p. (Russia, St
N 78Bagiev G. L., Gazizullin Nail F. - On the enduring significance of marketing for successful development of contemporary economics, education, and adequate implementation of global innovative trends into Russian economy
N 79Gazizullin Nail F., Blagikh Ivan A., Khomenko V. V., Shageeva R. A., Gavrilov O. E., Zabirova L. M. - Expert and analysis platform for the regional measuring of the Eurasian integration process (Review of the Kazan International Congress of Eurasian Integration-2021, June 10–11, 2021, Kazan)
N 80Gazizullin Nail F. - Review of the book “Digital Doubles in the Economic Development of Industry: Management of Effects.” Simferopol, KFU publishers, 2021. 238 p. (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 81Gazizullin Nail F. - Editor’s introductory remarks to the discussion around M.I. Krotov’s article “Collapse of the USSR and Belovezh Accords in historical memory” (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 82Blagikh Ivan A., Gazizullin Nail F., Protasov A. Yu. - Mobilization challenges for the Russian economy: Are there universal tools for adequate reaction? (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 82Blagikh Ivan A., Gazizullin Nail F., Shageeva R. A., Khomenko V. V., Zabirova L. M. - THE PROCESSES OF EURASIAN INTEGRATION IN THE CONTEXT OF MOBILIZATION CHALLENGES Review of Kazan International Congress of Eurasian Integration — 2022 (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 83Blagikh Ivan A., Gazizullin Nail F., Protasov A. Yu., Gazizullin T. N., Maljushin I. I. - Transformation of the present-day Russia and the tasks of the national political economy (review of the VI International Political and Economic Congress within the frames of the Moscow Academic Economic Forum. May 17–19, 2022, Moscow)
N 83Bagiev G. L., Bezdudnaya A. G., Gazizullin Nail F. - Improving the management of innovation and investment processes in the context of the formation of the concept of multipolar interaction of economic systems (review of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management of Innovation
N 84Blagikh Ivan A., Gazizullin Nail F. - Historical break-through to the society of socio-economic justice (to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the USSR) (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 85Gazizullin Nail F. - In search of EEU sustainable development model. Review of the monograph by T.A. Selishcheva, S.A. Diatlov and A.S. Selishchev “Formation of the Sustainable Development Model of the Eurasian Economic Union.” Ed. by T.A. Selishcheva. St. Petersburg, St
N 86Blagikh Ivan A., Gazizullin Nail F., Protasov A. Yu. - Formation of the political economy of the Eurasian Economic Union: review of the All-Russia inter-interinstitutional seminar “Reforming of economic education in Russia — an urgent task of the Russian economic community,” Department of Economics, St.
N 89Gazizullin Nail F. - A systematic solution to the problem of the organization of international settlements of the Russian Federation in contemporary conditions. Review of the book by I. V. Pilipenko “Methods of Applying Currency Clearing in Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation under Sanctions.” Moscow, “Scholarly Library” publishing, 2022, 448 p.
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