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- Materials are accepted according to the following schedule: for Issue № 1 (March) – till December 25 of the previous year; for Issue № 2 (June) – till April 25 of the current year; for Issue № 3 (September-October) – till July 25 of the current year; for Issue № 4 (December) – till October 25 of the current year. Under special conditions, the change of the above mentioned schedule is possible.
- The editorial board conducts a mandatory review (expert evaluation), as well as the scholarly and stylistic editing of all materials submitted for publication. Leading specialists in the relevant areas of economic science are invited as reviewers. Each review provides the following information of the article reviewed:
- How the author complied with formal and technical regulation of submission
- How the author complied with essential requirements of the article such as: the relevance of the topic discussed; formulation and/or solution of a scholarly problem; which sphere of economic science the article belongs to and whether this corresponds with the thematic profile of the Journal; how graphs and tables are used.
- Evaluation of the scholarly and rhetorical style of the article
- Other notes by a reviewer
- General conclusion of a reviewer (recommended for publication, recommended with revision, not recommended, does not correspond to the Journal’s profile)
- All materials are accepted in the electronic form (email: gazizullin@mail.ru). The subject of the letter should indicated the author(s) last name(s).
- Materials should be submitted in Word text editor, font size 12 pt, single spaced.
- Graphs and diagrams should be submitted in Word or Excel formats.
- Tables should be submitted in Word or Excel formats; empty boxes in the table should contain a dash.
- The number of graphs, tables and diagrams in any article should not exceed 4.
- All notes should be endnotes.
- The length of the article is 8-10 pages for doctoral students and 6-7 pages for PhD students. There are special paid publication options for doctoral and PhD students, as well as for other interested groups.
- According to the Information Letter of the Supreme Attestation Committee of the Russian Federation № 45.1-132 published on October 14, 2008, articles by PhD students are published for free if the authors submit an official document certifying their full-time student status and in case their articles are approved by the scholarly expertise of the Journal. That is to say, that the Journal provides the possibility of free publication only the PhD students who submitted articles containing new scholarly concepts, new theoretical models, original methodology, personally collected and analyzed statistic data.
- The article should be accompanied by classificatory indices UDK and BBK.
- Since 2004, the editorial board of the “Problems of Modern Economics” is cooperating with the Scholarly electronic library eLIBRARY. Within the frames of this cooperation, information on all articles published in our Journal is forwarded to eLIBRARY for the purposes of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) calculation. It is very important that information about the authors is full and precise to avoid mistakes in RSCI.
- Therefore, the authors should submit their personal information according to the following format:
In Russian | Last name, first name, patronymic | Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich | Main place of employment (name of the organization) | St. Petersburg State University | Position | Professor of the Chair of Economic Theory | Academic degree | PhD, Professor | Any other relevant information | | Email address | ivanov@mail.ru | Author's telephone number | (812) 123-45-67 | Postal address (please, indicate the zip code for the Journal to send you your author’s copy of the relevant Issue).
| 195021, St. Petersburg… | In English | Last name, first name, patronymic | Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich | Main place of employment (name of the organization) | St. Petersburg State University | Position | Professor of the Chair of Economic Theory | Any other relevant information | |
- If the author is already registered in the Science Index system and has a personal identification number in it (SPIN-code), be sure to include this code. This way you will speed up the correct identification of the article and its author on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library.
Registration link
- The article should be accompanied with an annotation in Russian, about 0.2 page in length, the list of 5-6 key words, and the bibliography list. This information is required for the RSCI database. We recommend that authors provide their bibliography lists in accordance with State Standard (GOST) 7.0.5-2008.
- We recommend the authors to use the existing list of key words to formulate those of their articles.
- An example of the correctly formatted article may be seen here.
- Advertisement materials, as well as special materials produced by the order of state institutions, governmental and administrative organs, companies and commercial banks are published on the paid contract basis.
- Since 2003, when the Journal was included into the “List of the leading reviewed scholarly journals…” by the Supreme Attestation Committee of the Russian Federation, the publishing house of the Eurasian International Scholarly and Analytic Journal “Problems of Modern Economics” publishes individual and collective scholarly monographs.
- Review and editing of manuscripts (scholarly, stylistic, technical) is performed by the Editorial Council and the editorial board of the Journal in accordance with the requirements of the Supreme Attestation Committee of the Russian Federation for scholarly literature.
- The editorial board warns the authors about the responsibility for plagiarism. In case plagiarism is detected, the article will be removed from the issue and substituted by a note on plagiarism.