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The keyword "Eurasian integration"
Used in article(s) [40]
N 45Krotov M. I. - Problems of modernization of Russian economy in the context of Eurasian integration (Russia, Moscow)
N 48Krotov M. I., Slutsky L. E. - International forum “Eurasian Economic Perspective” attracts growing numbers of economic integration supporters (Russia, Moscow)
N 48Naryshkin S. E. - Eurasian integration: New horizons (Russia, Moscow)
N 48Minnikahnov R. N. - On the role and place of Tatarstan in the processes of Eurasian integration (Russia, Kazan’)
N 56Diatlov S. A., Ananiev A. A. - Eurasian political economy as a theoretical foundation of the new integrational unity: its essence, organizational and institutional forms (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 64Kalashnikov L. I., Krotov M. I. - Three years oF the Eurasian Economic Community and initiatives of the Russian representation in 2018 (Russia, Moscow)
N 64Selishcheva T. A. - Conjunction of EEC and the “Economic Zone of the Great Silk Road” project as a new model of Eurasian integration (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 64Diatlov S. A. - Digital Eurasia: Eurasian integration in the context of digital economics (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 64Dronov R. V., Ananiev A. A. - On the problem of economic security in the system of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)
N 68
N 69Selishcheva T. A. - Problems of sustainable development of transborder regions of Siberia and the Far east in Eurasian integration (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 69Dronov R. V., Ananiev A. A. - Factors of economic security of the Eurasian integration: human capital and migration (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 69Medynskaya I. V. - Eurasian integration of scholarship, education and business: genesis and innovative development (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 70Nuyanzin V. M. - Development of the Eurasian integration and energy security (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 71Vardomsky L. B. - Institutes or projects: Eurasian integration needs change (Russia, Moscow)
N 71Medynsky S. - Eurasian integration in the context of digitalization: problems and perspectives (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 71Sokolov B. I., Sokolova S. V., Pokrovskaya N. V. - The role of institutes of financial information in the development of Eurasian integration (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 71Skobel’tsyna Anna S. - Prospects for development of Russian-Indian relations in the sphere of tourism and hospitality in the context of Eurasian integration (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 71Medynskaya I. V. - Integration of education, scholarship and business as a key factor in innovative development (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 71Mashkov V. D. - Soviet experience of transformations as a landmark for Eurasian response to global challenges (Russia, Kazan’)
N 74Khudorenko E. A., Konstantinova E. A. - Specific features in the implementation on integration processes in the Eurasian space: linguistic and innovative aspects (Russia, Moscow)
N 76Krotov M. I., Slutsky L. E., Batistova O. I. - Eurasian economic integration in the new global reality: systemic approach and resolution of contradictions (Russia, St. Petersburg, Moscow)
N 78Miropol'lsky D. Yu., Gavrilova R. A. - Eurasian integration and development of productive forces (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 78Muntiyan V. I. - CIS and Eurasian integration: Perspectives of development (Russia, Moscow)
N 79Zhang Dali, Kashbraziev R. V. - Present-day state and perspectives for scholarly and technological cooperation between China and Russia (Russia, Kazan)
N 79Imamkulieva E. E., Sinopal’nikov N. S. - Islamic banking as a catalyst of trade-and-economy interaction between the Islamic Republic of Iran with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Moscow)
N 79Medynskaya I. V. - Eurasian financial market in the context of digitalization: An innovative vector of development (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 80Khabibullina Z. R. - Noonomics as a strategic model for the development of Eurasian integration in the context of new global challenges: Issues of methodology and practice (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 83Khomenko V. V. - Tatarstan in the contemporary realities of Eurasian economic integration (Russia, Kazan)
N 83Zarembo V. E., Stepanenko D. A. - Participation potential of Tajikistan in EEU integration (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 83Fil’kevich I. A. - Transformation of strategic benchmarks of Eurasian integration in the present-day context (Russia, Moscow)
N 83Gavrilov A. N. - Potential of the Eurasian integration in the context of global economic instability (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 83Miropol'lsky D. Yu. - Eurasian integration in the context of dialectics of one-polar — multi-polar worlds (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 83Khaikin M. M., Lozhko V. V. - Development of economic systems of Eurasian integration in the context of the current sociocultural tendencies (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 83Litvinjuk A. I. - Transborder opportunities of Eurasian integration: market and non-market factors (Belarus’, Minsk)
N 85Gazizullin Nail F. - In search of EEU sustainable development model. Review of the monograph by T.A. Selishcheva, S.A. Diatlov and A.S. Selishchev “Formation of the Sustainable Development Model of the Eurasian Economic Union.” Ed. by T.A. Selishcheva. St. Petersburg, St
N 88Khomenko V. V. - The state and prospects of economic, scholarly and technological Eurasian integration (Russia, Kazan)
N 88Nurieva A. R., Gibadullin M. Z. - New realities of Eurasian integration (Russia, Kazan)
N 92Zarembo V. E. - Youth policy in the context of Eurasian integration (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 92Stepanenko D. A., Rogova I. N. - On the foundations of forming a competitive model of internationalization of higher education in the Eurasian space (Russia, St. Petersburg)
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