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The keyword "crisis"
Used in article(s) [40]
N 29Dezhkina T. G. - Methods of discerning the changes in the existing state of organizations
N 29Fis’kova L. N. - Ideas of M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky in reproduction and distribution of societal product in the context of the major directions of economic theory (Russia, Novosibirsk)
N 30Tarkhanov O. V. - Crisis: causes and effects
N 30Porunov A. N., Toysheva O. A. - Crisis and BRIC countries: results of January-February 2009 in the mirror of statistics
N 30Smoliakova Yu. V. - Present-day risks in Russia’s economy
N 30Pashkus V. Yu., Timokhina E. A. - Significance of the budget stability for financing of the socio-cultural sphere in Russia
N 31Okrushko V. Ya. - Content of managerial decision for getting an organization out of crisis
N 31Khairova S. M., Dremina G. A. - Logistization of bank services in the situation of financial crisis
N 32Lisina M. I. - Influence of devaluation upon the competition ability of Russian enterprises at the time of the global crisis (Russia, Kazan’)
N 33Negreeva V. V. - Problems of labor motivation in the situation of crisis in the context of developed countries experience (Russia, St.Petersburg)
N 33Sushkova T. V. - Investigation of the image of banks in the town of Naberezhnye Chelny as the most important factor of their success (Russia, Kazan’)
N 34Alekseevsky V. S., Shavyrin, N. V. - To the issue of conceptual changes of managerial thinking
N 34Okrushko V. Ya. - Content of the crisis process in anti-crisis regulation (Russia, St.Petersburg)
N 34Kaitjalidi O. N. - Construction bank in Russia: characteristic features, regularities and marketing specificities (Russia, Bratsk)
N 35El’meev V. Ya., Malinina T. B. - Production and consumption in the context of contemporary crisis (Russia, St.Petersburg)
N 36Zinchenko V. V. - Dilemma of special economic zones in Ukraine: subsidiary regionalism or systemic de-regulated tribalism? (Ukraine, Kiev)
N 37Ivanov A. V. - Innovations as a mechanism of sustainability of production business (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 38Matrosova S. V., Reikhert N. V. - Problems of financing of small-scale entrepreneurship in Russia (Russia, Roslavl’)
N 41Balysheva O. M. - Discussion on crisis in economic theory (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 42Nesterenko N. Yu., Vetjutneva K. I. - Participants of post-crisis merges and acquisitions in Russia: innovation potential (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 42Perfilov V. A. - Regional socio-economic systems: essence and types of developmental sustainability (Russia, Ufa)
N 43Rumiantsev M. A. - Limits of capitalism (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 43Lavarslanova Z. M., Tsapieva O. K. - Formation of the economic politics of the Republic of Dagestan at the beginning of the market transformation (1990–2001) (Makhachkala)
N 48Ryabykh V. N., Kozhevnikova T. M., Sayapin A. V. - Problems and perspectives of industrial agro-production in Russia (Russia, Tambov)
N 49Rumiantsev M. A. - Trans-border processes in economy: their nature, logics, and forms (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 50Aleksandrov Yu. L., Demchenko O. S. - Indicators of retail trade as anticipating indices of the economic situation in Russia (Russia, Krasnoyarsk)
N 55Chekmarev V. Vl., Chekmarev V. V. - Is the economic crisis a threat to the national security? (Russia, Kostroma)
N 55Busheneva Yu. K. - The place and the role of anti-inflation politics in the period of crisis of 2014–2015 (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 55Davydenko E. A., Evnevich M. A., Kruglova Yu. V. - Specificity of consumer reaction of non-alimentary retailing to price advertisements in relation to the economic crisis (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 55Kharlanov A. S. - Geo-economy of contemporary Ukraine (Russia, Moscow)
N 56Uteeva A. S. - Managing the organizational structure of a construction enterprise in the context of crisis: methods of rationalization (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 57Baburin V. A., Goncharova N. L. - Financial security and innovation in the enterprise insurance marketing (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 60Petzoldt K., Lukicheva T. A., Vorobjeva I. V. - Russian middle class: consumption in the context of market instability (Germany, Ilmenau; Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 60Selishcheva T. A., Diatlov S. A., Ananiev A. A., Kan E. N. - Autonomous recession of Russia’s economy and the problems of the economic growth (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 71Krotov M. I., Muntiyan V. I. - On the radical reform of Russia’s financial system (Russia, Moscow)
N 74Aliaskarova Zh. A., Asadulaev A. B., Pashkus V. Yu. - Industrial politics: conceptualization and modernization in the context of crisis (Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg)
N 78Scott Cornelia, Felling Vanessa - Coordination and administration of activities of small-scale retail trade enterprises in Germany: Innovative approaches in the time of crisis and after it (Germany, Bernburg)
N 81Vakariov A. A., Vinogradov V. V., Golodova O. A., Ievleva N. V., Grabovets E. E. - Development of the real sector of economy in the present-day Russia in the context of formation of the Eurasian space within the frames of globalization (Russia, Volzhsky)
N 81Chaplina A. N., Gerasimova E. A. - Problems of network interaction and increasing the efficacy of global integration processes (Russia, Krasnoyarsk)
N 83Okrushko V. Ya. - Toolkit for crisis overcoming by the subject of entrepreneurship on the basis of diagnostics (Russia, St. Petersburg)
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