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The keyword "economic theory"
Used in article(s) [20]
N 30Krotov M. I. - Political economy of liberal conservatism as a methodological foundation of anti-crisis strategy
N 30Beketov N. V. - World financial crisis and problems of globalization in the international economy
N 36Betekhtina D. A. - Sphere of culture as a special area of economic activity (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 37Smirnov V. P. - Application of reflexive approach in the study of contemporary entrepreneurship (Russia, Vladivostok)
N 40Solovjeva O. A. - State regulation of economy: specificities of the mechanism (Russia, Chelyabinsk)
N 43Solovjeva O. A. - State regulation of entrepreneurship as a transformational process of rational instability (Russia, Chelyabinsk)
N 46Orlov A. V. - General sociological concepts as the basis of contemporary political economy (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 50Garkavenko I. A., Bulakh E. A., Blagikh Ivan A. - On the mutual relation among the economic analysis with history and evolution (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 54Shvetsov Yu. G. - Scientific inconsistency of contemporary economic theory (Russia, Barnaul)
N 55Shishkina T. M. - Gift and usefulness: economic anthropology of the reciprocal exchange (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 55Karanets S. M. - Transformation of views upon the economic essence of the term «socio-cultural sphere» (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 58Savchenko I. I., Sidorova N. G., Olishevskaya T. T., Ukhalova T. S. - On the necessity to raise the role of economic theory in economic education (Russia, Vladivostok)
N 59Naumenko T. V., Grinjuk A. I. - The problem of “homo economicus” model in the contemporary academic paradigm (Russia, Moscow)
N 64Blagikh Ivan A., Bardashevich A. N. - Theory of composite good and directions of its analysis (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 65Khaikin M. M., Lapinskas A. A. - Marxist political economy and the problems of development of contemporary economic theory (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 66Giniyatullov R. D. - The essence of economic culture and its major characteristics (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 68Kovtun O. I. - The course of economic theory in a higher educational institution and possibilities of an interdisciplinary approach (Russia, Novosibirsk)
N 78Borshch L. M., Jallal Mir Abdul Qayyum - Development of the economic theory as a logical reflection of the global processes against the global challenges (Russia, Simferopol)
N 79Kul’kov V. M. - Scholarly potential of the national economy theories (Russia, Moscow)
N 83Sokolov B. I., Sokolova S. V. - Import substitution as a basic principle of updating the educational programs in economic theory in higher educational institutions (Russia, St. Petersburg)
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