N 30 | Krotov M. I. - Political economy of liberal conservatism as a methodological foundation of anti-crisis strategy |
N 30 | Guliev M. E. - Strategy of development on inter-state economic integration and cooperation among oil-extracting countries of CIS |
N 30 | Zijaeva Z. Zh. - The role of integration processes in EEC and Shanghai Cooperation Organization in developing the energy resources of Tajikistan |
N 32 | Tereshchenko K. P. - Experience of forecasting the competitive ability of international and regional markets of hydrocarbon energy resources (Russia, Moscow) |
N 32 | Shkvarja L. V. - Russia in integration processes on the post-Soviet space: contemporary specificities (Russia, Moscow) |
N 33 | Tochiboev A. Kh. - The place and the role of the Republic of Tajikistan in regional integration units (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
N 37 | Guliev M. E. - Modernization and diversification of economy of CIS oil-producing countries (Azerbaijan, Baku) |
N 41 | Maryshev A. A. - Major results and lessons of integration changes in post-Soviet states (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 47 | Naryshkin S. E. - On the prospects of Eurasian economic integration (Russia, Moscow) |
N 47 | Nigmatullin N. Z. - Economic priorities of Eurasian integration (Kazakhstan, Astana) |
N 47 | Guminsky V. A. - Integration advantages in the context of hard political and economic competition (Belarus, Minsk) |
N 47 | Poltavchenko G. S. - The role of St. Petersburg in strengthening Eurasian cooperation
(Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 47 | Zheenbekov A. Sh. - "Road map" of Kyrgyzstan joining the Customs Union: the search of the compromise in the issues of cooperation (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek) |
N 47 | Ubaidulloev M. U. - To the issue of expediency of preemptive politics in the sphere of economic integration (Tajikistan, Dushanbe) |
N 47 | Muntiyan V. I. - On the role of Ukraine in Eurasian economic integration (Ukraine, Kiev) |
N 47 | Panina E. V. - Integration in the real sector of economy as the basis for success of the Eurasian integration (Russia, Moscow) |
N 47 | Shokhin A. N. - On the priority direction of interaction between business and power in the process of Eurasian integration (Russia, Moscow) |
N 47 | Sadovnichyi V. A. - Development of unified scholarly and educational space in CIS as the basic condition for success of the Eurasian integration (Russia, Moscow) |
N 47 | Khabrieva T. Ya. - On the legal outlines and coordinates of Eurasian integration (Russia, Moscow) |
N 48 | Torkunov A. V. - External and internal factors of the positive politicization in the creation and development of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Moscow) |
N 48 | Potapov I. A. - Mechanisms of the contemporary state politics in the system of social well-being (Ukraine, Kiev) |
N 48 | Budnik V. A. - Justification of the size of concession payment according to the concession agreements in construction (Russia, Ukraine, Kiev) |
N 48 | Aliev O. B. - Disintegration processes in CIS (based on the analysis of trade economic relations) (Azerbaijan, Baku) |
N 50 | Kruglova I. A. - Mutual trade of CIS countries at the beginning of the XXI century: contemporary state and perspectives for development (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 52 | Naryshkin S. E. - Experience and prospects of the Eurasian economic integration (Russia, Moscow) |
N 52 | Rubinov A. N. - The Eurasian Economic Union: a natural stage in the evolution of the inter-state relations in the post-Soviet period (Belarus, Minsk) |
N 56 | Bliakhman L. S. - Ethnic and religious factors and preconditions of the new industrialization
(Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 64 | Kalashnikov L. I., Krotov M. I. - Three years oF the Eurasian Economic Community and initiatives of the Russian representation in 2018 (Russia, Moscow) |
N 66 | Tkachenko A. A. - «Soft power» on the Eurasian space (Russia, Moscow) |
N 71 | Yakhmenev R. A. - On the perspectives of further CIS development and expediency in the implementation of CIS development in the present-day context (Russia, Moscow) |
N 76 | Krotov M. I., Slutsky L. E., Batistova O. I. - Eurasian economic integration in the new global reality: systemic approach and resolution of contradictions (Russia, St. Petersburg, Moscow) |
N 78 | Miropol'lsky D. Yu., Gavrilova R. A. - Eurasian integration and development of productive forces (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 78 | Muntiyan V. I. - CIS and Eurasian integration: Perspectives of development (Russia, Moscow) |
N 79 | Ampleeva E. E. - Multiplicity of interstate integration on the post-Soviet space: International and legal aspects (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 80 | Krotov M. I. - Collapse of the Soviet Union and Belovezh Accords in the historical memory
(Russia, St. Petersburg, Moscow) |
N 81 | Muntiyan V. I. - History lessons and CIS perspectives (Russia, Moscow) |
N 81 | Simchenko N. A. - Collapse of the USSR and Belovezh Accords in the historical memory: analytical review of Professor M.I. Krotov’s article (Russia, Simferopol) |
N 81 | Afanasenko I. D. - The state in the system of “Russkiy mir” (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 81 | Chueshov V. I. - On some specificities of the scholarly description of history, as well as on the use of logic and argumentation in the discussion on the cessation of the USSR and creation of CIS (Belarus’, Minsk) |
N 81 | Miropol'lsky D. Yu., Lomakina I. B. - Collapse of the USSR: economic and legal mechanisms (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 81 | Protasov A. Yu. - Was it possible to keep the USSR? (based on the article by M.I. Krotov “Collapse
of the USSR and Belovezh Accords in historical memory”) (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 81 | Khaikin M. M., Lapinskas A. A. - Socio-economic sources of the collapse of the USSR through the prism of socio-economic research (in the context of Professor M.I. Krotov’s article “Collapse of the USSR and Belovezh Accords in historical memory”) (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 81 | Sokolov B. I. - Once more on the creation and destruction of the USSR (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 81 | Blagikh Ivan A. - To the issue of Belovezh Accords and liquidation of the USSR: historical and economic excursus (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 81 | Nagieva А. А. - Legal status of permanent state representatives in international (intergovernmental) organizations (Russia, Moscow) |
N 82 | Miasnikovich M. V. - Collapse of the USSR: Events and facts (Belarus, Minsk; Russia, Moscow) |
N 83 | Ananiev A. A. - Regional economic projects on the post-Soviet space: Characteristics and perspectives (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 83 | Litvinjuk A. I. - Transborder opportunities of Eurasian integration: market and non-market factors
(Belarus’, Minsk) |
N 87 | Medynskaya I. V., Speranskaya N. N. - Sphere of education as a most important factor of consolidation in the countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 87 | Degtiariova S. V. - Single economic complex of the USSR as an economic precondition of integration processes in CIS (Russia, Omsk) |
N 88 | Vardomsky L. B. - On the interaction of Eurasian integration project (Russia, Moscow) |
N 88 | Ustinov M. A. - The Parliamentary vector of Russian humanitarian cooperation in the CIS (Russia, Moscow) |
N 92 | Raimov A. - On the issue of studying the experience of cooperation of the CIS countries in the financial sector (Russia, Moscow) |
N 92 | Vorontsova G. G., Vorontsova A. V. - Intensification of interaction processes between St. Petersburg and the CIS, BRICS and foreign countries in the field of tourism and hospitality (Russia, St. Petersburg) |