N 29 | Shtein A. M. - Universal banking system and its role in financing of the industrial economy |
N 29 | Kadyrova E. F. - About methods of evaluation of effectiveness of investment projects for promotion of medical services |
N 31 | Kolesnikov S. V. - Strengthening the role of innovations as a factor of increasing economic effectiveness |
N 31 | Ljudvikova N. Yu. - Principles and procedures of venture investment |
N 31 | Omarova K. A. - Problems of investment into material base of the social sphere |
N 31 | Provalenova N. V. - Attraction of investments into house-and-municipal complex of Nizhegorodskaya region |
N 31 | Zhuk V. A. - Territories of active economic development of the cities and placement of objects of trade and services in these territories |
N 32 | Shulepov A. A. - System approach to the analysis of effectiveness of investment projects (Russia, Khabarovsk) |
N 32 | Kornev A. E. - Methodological approaches to formation of imitation-and-dynamic model for the development of hotel complex in St. Petersburg (Russia, St.Petersburg) |
N 34 | Vasilenko M. E. - Foreign experience of organization of reproductive processes in material production (Russia, Vladivostok) |
N 34 | Galimova G. A., Sukiasyan A. A. - Analysis of investment processes in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia, Ufa) |
N 35 | Yuzvovich L. I. - International leasing as a form of attracting investments into the national economy (Russia, Ekaterinburg) |
N 36 | Ibraeva A. A. - Essence and function of leasing in the system of economic relations of economic subjects (Russia, Kazan’, Elabuga) |
N 38 | Pernikov S. G. - Investment politics and typology of its structural elements (Russia, Pskov) |
N 38 | Ivanov A. V. - Reasons for insolvency of industrial business (Russia, Ulyanovsk) |
N 38 | Sbitnev A. E. - Conceptual problems in determining public effectiveness of investment projects in road construction (Russia, Tjumen’) |
N 39 | Sheluntsova M. A. - Risk-management in the public sector of economy (Russia, Perm’) |
N 39 | Shekhovtsova Yu. A. - Application of the time-utility function of money to the evaluation of investment projects’ effectiveness (Russia, Saratov) |
N 39 | Nedospasova O. P. - Evaluation of effectiveness of various sources of investment financing
(Russia, Seversk) |
N 40 | Sokolov B. I., Voronov V. S. - Instruments of financing backed up by intellectual assets (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 40 | Solovjev O. B. - Financial markets in societies of control and discipline (Russia, Novosibirsk) |
N 40 | Margasov D. V. - The use of internal loans to increase state capital (Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod) |
N 40 | Ruban V. A. - Mechanisms of investment development in social transitive branches (Russia, Ulan-Ude) |
N 40 | Dudnik A. V. - Factors influencing the meat sub-complex and their use in developing the politics of agrarian protectionism (Russia, Kurgan) |
N 41 | Belousova L. A., Orlov M. G. - Institutes of support of innovation development (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 41 | Shuvaev M. A. - Competitiveness rating of a construction enterprise: methodological approach to evaluation (Russia, Saratov) |
N 41 | Komarov A. G., Akhmetov A. R. - Development of small-scale enterprises in the Republic of Bashkortostan
in the context of the economic crisis (Russia, Ufa) |
N 42 | Suslov N. I., Mel’tenisova E. N. - Electric energy systems of Russian and the USA: common features and key differences (Russia, Novosibirsk) |
N 42 | Bairov B. Ts. - Strategic partnership in the formation of the regional investment programs (Russia, Ulan-Ude) |
N 44 | Abramova I. O., Fituni L. L. - African economy in the context of the approaching second wave of the international economic crisis (Russia, Moscow) |
N 44 | Ivanova E. Yu. - Investments and the sources of their financing for Russian enterprises of ferrous industry (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 45 | Anisimov A. V. - Effective distribution of investments on the basis of expenditure analysis in road construction (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 46 | Kadyrov T. A. - Investment projects in the context of indeterminacy: evaluation of efficacy (Russia, Moscow) |
N 46 | Sabitov A. R. - State programs of real sector financing: practice of restoration of East German economy (Russia, Moscow) |
N 47 | Abramova I. O. - Africa’s resource potential: structure, parameters, significance for the world economy and international development (Russia, Moscow) |
N 47 | Lenkovets O. M. - Eco-development and eco-innovations on the market of real estate
(Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 49 | Faizullin T. N. - To the definition of essence and functions of securitization: methodological approaches (Russia, Samara) |
N 50 | Muliaeva S. V. - Improving of the functioning of state-and-private partnership in Russia (Russia, Krasnoyarsk) |
N 51 | Rybakov F. F. - Industry of St. Petersburg: stagnation or concentration of powers
(Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 52 | Baranov N. S. - Topical issues of development of hydrocarbon resources of the Arctic (zone/region) (Russia, Moscow) |
N 52 | Riakhovsky D. I., Akulova N. G. - Problems of economic diversification and workflow activation in small towns (for example, Dankova Lipetsk region) |
N 54 | Esin E. Yu. - Implementation of the mechanism of formation and harmonization of innovational investment technologies in a multi-structure economy (Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod) |
N 54 | Zimovets O. E. - Controlling of innovational activity of a scholarship-and-production enterprise (Russia, Moscow) |
N 55 | Buzyrev V. V., Seljutina L. G., Martynov V. A. - Innovation processes in construction: formation of the system of investment of innovation processes (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 56 | Kostikova O. N. - New conditions for entrepreneurship on the territories of advanced growth
(Russia, Nakhodka) |
N 56 | Boreisha V. G. - Diversification of economy as a factor of sustainable development of the regional rural territories (Russia, Kemerovo) |
N 57 | Busheneva Yu. K. - Evaluation of the impact potential of the money-and-credit policy of the Bank of Russia upon the economic growth (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 57 | Kolyshkin A. V., Nesterenko N. Yu. - Indices of added value as an instrument of the companies’ top-management
(Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 59 | Nurmukhametov R. R. - Innovative clusterization of investment structures: evaluation of efficacy
(Russia, Kazan’) |
N 61 | Postaljuk M. P., Nurmukhametov R. R. - Project management of innovatization of investment structures in economic systems: functional analysis (Russia, Kazan’) |
N 62 | Muljukova A. I. - Thoughts of an economist on the third modernization in Kazakhstan
(Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk) |
N 63 | Eliakova I. D., Fedorov Yu. Yu. - Major types of investment risks of sovereign funds of the state national wellbeing (Russia, Yakutsk) |
N 64 | Stepanchuk A. A. - Investment controlling and problems of budget management in the context of crisis of the enterprise economy (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 64 | Sidorov V. A. - External economic relations of Russia and the Republic of South Africa (RSA) (Russia, Moscow) |
N 65 | Voronova N. S., L’vova N. A., Pokrovskaya N. V. - Determinants of financial development in the context of Eurasian integration
(Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 65 | Budanova M. B. - Increase of competitiveness of forestry enterprises in the Russian Federation through voluntary forestry certification (Russia, Briansk) |
N 66 | Dzhabiev R. M. - Improving export potential of non-oil branches of Azerbaijan economy in the innovative sphere (Azerbaijan, Baku) |
N 67 | Gorbashko E. A., Katsjuba I. A., Firsova E. A. - Directions for improvement of the taxation system with regards to state-and-private partnership in Russia (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 67 | Akhmetova K. A., Terzhanova A. Zh., Akhmetova A. A. - Institutions of development: their role in the formation of the market economy in Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan, Astana, Karaganda) |
N 71 | Nagimova Almira Z. - Joint funds of direct investment as a mechanism for intensification of EEU investment ties (Russia, Ufa) |
N 71 | Postaljuk M. P., Nurmukhametov R. R. - Contemporary situation of innovative transfer of cluster investment structures in the Russian economy (Russia, Kazan’) |
N 74 | Savicheva E. Yu. - Russia’s financial sector: current state and perspectives of development
(Russia, Sevastopol) |
N 75 | Pilipenko I. V. - Investment cooperation among the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union through multi-lateral banks of development (Part 1) (Russia, Moscow) |
N 76 | Pilipenko I. V. - Investment cooperation among the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union through multi-lateral banks of development (Part 2) (Russia, Moscow) |
N 77 | Savicheva E. Yu., Medvedeva S. N. - Sources of financing of investment activity in Russia (Russia, Sevastopol) |
N 80 | Panfilova A. A. - Present-day tendencies of investing into the segments of commercial real estate (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 82 | Selishcheva T. A., Selishchev A. S., Weidi Zhou - Mutual economic relations of EEU with the counties of the Central Asia
(Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 83 | Mortikov V. V. - Macroeconomic regulators of labor demand (Russia, Lugansk) |
N 83 | Gao Lei - Topical issues in the specificities of development of the global economic and commodity conjuncture in the context of Chinese economic transformation (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 83 | Teniakov I. M., Zazdravnykh A. V. - Economic growth in Russia’s federal okrugs: Factors of companies’ entrance and exit (Russia, Moscow) |
N 85 | Chirikhin S. N. - On insufficiency of the current state investment plans for realization of the transformational import substitution in the Russian economy (Russia, Novosibirsk) |
N 86 | Panfilova O. V., Panfilova A. A. - Risk management as an element of improving financial tools with regard to the projects in the sphere of commercial real estate (Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 87 | Potepenko A. V. - Dynamics of investment into the fixed capital in Russian in 2011-2021
(Russia, St. Petersburg) |
N 87 | Stuglev A. A. - Congress and exhibition activity as a strengthening factor of national competitiveness (Russia, Moscow) |
N 88 | Volkova K. S. - To the issue of using the USSR experience for industrialization of Russia under sanctions (Russia, Moscow) |
N 90 | Kalmuratov B. S., Nazarbaev O., Allasheva N. A. - The current state of the innovative industrial development system of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (Uzbekistan, Nukus) |
N 91 | Raimov A. - The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upon the innovatization of the financial sector (Russia, Moscow) |
N 91 | Korostyshevskaya E. M., Afanasjeva O. N. - Socio-economic development of the city of Kislovodsk as a resort of national importance (Russia, St. Petersburg, Moscow) |
N 92 | Raimov A. - On the issue of studying the experience of cooperation of the CIS countries in the financial sector (Russia, Moscow) |