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The keyword "capital"
Used in article(s) [29]
N 30Raskov D. E. - Property as perceived by Old Believers -Wanderers: discussion of the steam mill, beginning of the XX c.
N 33Tupikina E. N. - Specificities of the current state of investment processes in Russia (Russia, Vladivostok)
N 35Popova A. I. - Financial stability of enterprises in the concept of the life cycle (Russia, Voronezh)
N 35Yastrebov O. A., Pinkevich I. K. - Creation of conditions for the development of the institute of state-and-private partnership in the Russian Federation (Russia, Moscow)
N 36Danilin V. N., Danilina E. I., Gorelov D. V. - Development of capital as an economic category (Russia, Moscow)
N 40Solovjev O. B. - Financial markets in societies of control and discipline (Russia, Novosibirsk)
N 40Rabadanova D. A. - Banking activity of regional credit organizations: methods of effectiveness evaluation (Russia, Makhachkala)
N 45Mazur O. A. - Contradictions in reproduction of the “aggregate worker” in contemporary Russia (Russia, Nivinnomyssk)
N 47Garipova F. G. - “Intellectual capital”: formation and the essence of the notion (Russia, Kazan’)
N 47Nagimova Almira Z. - Arab capital in the Russian Federation (Russia, Moscow)
N 48Brizhak O. V. - The nature of the corporation: to the issue of the potential and the limits in the classical Marxist theory (Russia, Krasnodar)
N 51Sorokin A. V. - Political economy is dead, long live... (Russia, Moscow)
N 51Zaretsky A. D., Ivanova T. E. - Labor and capital: overcoming of contradictions through the development of the human capital (Russia, Krasnodar)
N 53Sorokin A. V. - General economics and the model of market economy: subject and method (summary of the first lecture of the “General Economics” course) (Russia, Moscow)
N 54Sorokin A. V. - General economics and the model of market economy: goods, the form of cost, the exchange process (Lecture 2) (Russia, Moscow)
N 55Sorokin A. V. - General economics and the model of market economy: money, turning the money into capital (lecture 3) (Russia, Moscow)
N 56Fiodorova L. N. - Ideas of relativism in the research of the personal income formation (Russia, Novosibirsk)
N 57Sorokin A. V. - General economics and the model of the market economy: extensive and intensive growth of capital, or the absolute and relative added value. Wage. Fundamental theory of the international trade (Lecture 5 of the “General Economics” course) (Russia, Mos
N 58Sorokin A. V. - General economics, or the model of market economy: the process of capital accumulation and factors of its growth. What are savings, investments, consumption? Models of capital accumulation as the basis of macroeconomic processes. Accumulation and emp
N 59Sorokin A. V. - General economy or the model of market economy: the process of capital circulation. (Lecture 7 of the “General Economics” course) (Russia, Moscow)
N 60Sorokin A. V. - General economics or the model of the market economy: the process of capitalist reproduction as a whole. What are production costs, and what is profit? (Lecture 8 of the “General Economics” course) (Russia, Moscow)
N 61Sorokin A. V. - General economics, or the model of market economy: turning profit into average profit. “Dutch disease” as a result of inequality of profit norms among various branches of economy. The law of average profit, or why oil prices should go down?
N 63Brizhak O. V. - Key components of the systemic socio-economic transformation of Russia’s economy (Russia, Krasnodar)
N 69Miropol'lsky D. Yu., Lomakina I. B. - Alternative types of economic cultures of the agrarian stage and their traditional institutional installation (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 74Mudrova S. V. - Trade manipulations on the market of assets (Russia, Moscow)
N 77Lapinskas A. A., Khaikin M. M. - On the principle of exchange of equivalents, or the new look upon the known economic categories (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 81Belomestnov V. G. - “Green” revolution as a trigger of transition to resource-innovative model of economy (Russia, Ulan-Ude)
N 87Miropol'lsky D. Yu. - Eurasian political economy and the theory of social formations (Russia, St. Petersburg)
N 92Miropol'lsky D. Yu., Lomakina I. B. - Transformation of the nomenclature into a plan as a historical mission of Russia (Russia, St. Petersburg)
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